Kremmling is a wonderful place to call home, to raise a family, and enjoy a close knit community. Kremmling is located on the west end of Grand County, is 97 miles from Denver and is situated at the junction of Highway 9 and Highway 40. Kremmling is centrally located within one hour of 8 major ski resorts, has 3 local reservoirs and is at the junction of the Colorado, Blue and Muddy Rivers. Kremmling is surrounded by public lands and is a recreation mecca.
Kremmling welcomes relocating businesses and new industries. Kremmling is serviced by a private air field and rail service. Kremmling has been experiencing positive local growth with the addition of a new grocery store and visitor’s center in the town square. Unique shops line the central business district and town square. The Allington Inn, Kremmling newest hotel, opened in January 2009 and has 40+ rooms, a swimming pool and conference facilities. Additionally, Kremmling has a wood pellet plant, Confluence Energy, that converts dead beetle kill trees into heating fuel for wood pellet stoves. It is is clean process and has provided approximately 25 jobs for the Kremmling area.
West Grand K-8 school
West Grand School District is a great school system of approximately 500+ students, kindergarten through 12th grade. The district is comprised of an elementary, middle and high school all centrally located in Kremmling. The district has high academic standards and works diligently to prepare students for their futures. The low student to teacher ratio allows the staff to work closely with each student and the district proudly maintains a 98% graduation rate. In late 2006 the community passed a bond that allowed the school district to build a new K-8 campus. The new K-8 school opened in January 2008 and students and teachers have been enjoying their new facility.
Kremmling Memorial Hospital is located right in Kremmling. The hospital provides inpatient and outpatient services in addition to 24 hour emergency care. The hospital also has a host of visiting doctors that specialize in orthopedics, cardiology, and dermatology to name a few.
Cliffview Assisted Living Center located in Kremmling
Cliffview Assisted Living Center is centrally located in Kremmling. Cliffview is a first class facility designed for seniors and adults with disabilities who need a supportive setting that maintains their independence and choices in life.
Kremmling is home to a Bureau of Land Management office. It is a great resource for local trails, scenic attractions and information regarding all types of recreation from fly fishing to mountain biking.
Kremmling Area Chamber of Commerce located on the Kremmling Town Square
The Kremmling Chamber of Commerce is very active in the area and provides useful information to visitors and new residents. Please visit their site for additional area information as well as relocation information.
In short, Kremmling is a wonderful community for both full time and part time residents with a plethora of recreational activities and most of all wonderful people.