Serenity Now
Serenity Now.
Let’s face it, buying a home can be stressful. There’s a lot going on in a short amount of time and big decisions are being made.
But here’s one decision that should be easy - getting a professional home inspection.
Buyers ask me all the time if they should get an inspection and I always answer with a resounding YES!
However, I know that some buyers are capable of doing their own inspections and some want to save a little money and not hire the professional.
I can understand both of these sentiments.
However, if you think of a home inspection like to do insurance, you will see the value. If you could insure a $300,000 house for $600 would you do it? Of course!
A home inspection is your “try before you buy” insurance.
Bring some peace to your home buying experience and go with the professional home inspection.