I Was The Tall Kid

I was the tall kid.

And it didn’t real phase me until fifth grade.

That’s when I suddenly realized I was taller than most of the boys and nearly all of the girls.

I felt like I stuck out like a sore thumb. I just wanted to be short and tiny like all my friends. I struggled finding jeans that didn’t look like I was wearing capris all the time. I hunched down and tried to hide.

The worst was picture day when we had to line up by height. There was only one boy taller than me. One girl and I constantly argued about who was shorter. Who would stand next to Matt, me or her?

It was humiliating. And so pointless. As if I had control over my height.

My daughters are tall - go figure.

And I have yet to hear any of the negative soundtracks that played in my mind on repeat from them. I’m so grateful, maybe being tall is now cool.

And I love being tall now, though I still struggle finding jeans that are long enough.