/Monsters under the bed.
Do you remember? You know that feeling.
The feeling that there REALLY were monsters under your bed.
Fear that would grip you, and the armor of your blanket. And if you just buried your head under your pillow they couldn’t get you.
It’s crazy how real that feels when you are a child.
And then you grow up.
And the fear of monsters UNDER the bed disappears, but the monsters don’t go away.
As adults we just find them other places. In a job loss, a failed relationship or the death of a loved one.
But here’s the beauty in it all.
The imagination of a child is vivid. Just as it conjures up monsters under the bed it can also craft magical lands with unicorns and castles made of cotton candy.
So I take a cue from my girls.
When the monsters start to creep in I send my blessings to battle.
For every set back, I have 10 things to be grateful for.
For every hurt, I have any number of dear friends who will stop whatever they are doing to help.
And for every unexpected turn in the road I know God is always with me.