
We orbit the gamut of emotions like the earth orbits the sun.

Sometimes we hardly notice our feelings, they are light hearted and fun or run of the mill and mundane.

But sometimes an emotion, like grief or anger, can grip us. And the orbit becomes tighter and faster, like a dying star being drawn to a black hole. Until we reach the event horizon and there’s no turning back.

A black hole is shaped like a funnel in the fabric of space and time. And the dying star gets sucked into the mouth of the funnel never to be seen again.

But scientists are still not sure what’s on the other side of the black hole. What if there’s peace and redemption on the other side? What if there is light and love?

Think of this - even if the caterpillar could comprehend the transition to butterfly, would she even dare to dream that she would go from belly crawler to flying beauty? And as a side note, the caterpillar turns to actual goo during its miraculous transformation.

So if you find yourself in a season of anger or grief that seems never-ending I urge you to remember the mystery and miracle that surrounds transformation. That hearts that are shattered or hardened can beat again with the life blood of rebirth and forgiveness.

Do you believe?

With gratitude.